a view from a mountain top with a CoreFit flag planted slightly right of center
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Fitness for every body.

Discover Your Fit Life

You’ve tried other gyms and diets that only last until life kicks back in, but these obstacles haven’t stopped you from looking for the right place. At CoreFit, you’ll find that personalized path that makes all the difference. You’ll meet people that inspire you to go further than you’ve gone alone.

This is the gym where your fit life takes off.


Have you seen our adult-focused COMPASS Program?


Because life’s just beginning after age 50.

Retirement, grandkids, and the opportunity to see more of the world are finally within reach. You've worked hard to get here but one concern still weighs on your mind, will you have the physical ability to enjoy it all? Your health is your last obstacle and you’re ready to make sure it doesn't hold you back. COMPASS is the program where you can start enjoying the freedom of the fit life.

Discover COMPASS

Success Stories

Joining Corefit not only met and exceeded what I had hoped to find in a gym and team of coaches, it unexpectedly gifted me with a community of folks with similar desires and passions, many of whom are now my closest friends. There have certainly been big accomplishments along the way to celebrate – 100 lbs lost, first solo hike, first Spartan, clocking a 7:40 mile - but it was the individual, daily choices and wins that cemented my new identity and life. So much so that despite taking on a second job last year that made for a 70-hour work week, I continue to show up for workouts and runs, even when it means rolling in after a 10-hour grave shift. It is who I am. I was once afraid, living a small life that I worked to control at every turn. I now intentionally take on fears and chase after life, seeking the edge of things in a life that is wide open and full of possibility. I am strong, mentally and physically. I am an athlete and a runner. I delight in who I am and live a hope and excitement for a life that exceeds anything I dared to want or expect of it. All because of a single decision, made hundreds of times over. Do hard things.

I am Tethra, I am 45 years old and I am an athlete.

My name is Lynn. My current age is level 65. I signed on with CoreFit in 2009 because a Bootcamp class was being offered which sounded like fun. I didn’t need to lose weight but I wanted overall fitness. The gym offers a variety of classes at different times of the day to suit your needs. On the occasional day when you don’t want to go….it’s the coaches and community of people that keep you motivated to show up. So much positive energy! Consistently showing up a few times a week since 2009 has allowed me to stay active outside of the gym. I enjoy hiking, skiing, MTB, trail/road running and OCR. This gym can be a great fit for anybody. The coaches will modify any workout for you. The members are super friendly and class sizes are kept small.

Cindi's story on YouTube

In January 2008, I stepped on the scale, weighing more than I ever had in my life. I had tried everything to lose weight – Weight Watchers, Curves, Phen-Fen, etc., only to gain back what I lost, and more. This time I was determined to lose the weight and develop a healthier lifestyle. I started working out with Kurt in Jan, 2008. He came up with an exercise program and nutritional plan (not a diet!) that worked for me; he was always pushing me to work a little harder, a little farther each time I worked out. His confidence in my ability to achieve my goals is what has kept me motivated. Since I started with Kurt, I have lost 55 pounds of FAT and dropped from 48% to under 23% body fat while putting on 12 pounds of lean body tissue and the weight has stayed off and I am motivated to continue! Kurt has convinced me that a sound nutritional and exercise plan is the only way to achieve my goals – and not fads, gimmicks, and weight-loss pills.

– Cindi, age 68 and CoreFit member since 2008

Did you want to join an exercise class? ...not really. I’m too old, I’ll never be able to do all that stuff, not for me.

Then I found out that the instructor has a background in Physical Therapy and that your workouts will be modified to fit your ability. (Now here’s a person that could actually understand what recovering from total knee surgery is like.)

Now I was getting mildly interested and thought, “I’ll try a couple of classes.”

After several classes and meeting some of the nicest, most supportive people I’ve ever met, my interest was growing.

Then I discover that I actually had MORE energy after each class. And most surprisingly, I was losing weight. That was when I realized what I thought I needed, was sleeping late and taking it easy... was oh so wrong! What I needed to feel better and have more energy and confidence was to get moving. (Who would ever have guessed that you could start lifting weights at age 80). And who knows, I could actually get back to the weight I have on my driver’s license...

There is never a boring class at CoreFit. Plus you get great music for added inspiration.

– Judy Indorf

This was an actual email sent towards the end of one of our challenges:

"I just wanted to say thank you for offering these awesome classes. I was having some health issues and had my bloodwork re-tested last week, in 5 weeks all of my numbers have lowered significantly and my doctors are thrilled. I attribute it to the working out and diet change I started with CoreFit. This class has helped so much obviously with my health but with my mental state as well. I feel so good after I attend class and you’ve made me feel empowered to work through the workout. So thank you. See you Monday,"

– CoreFit member since 2014


Owner Kurt stands holding hands with his very enthusiastic looking son at an outdoor event.

Kurt Salquist

Master Trainer

Our bodies were meant to move. When I was younger I wanted to move fast to compete in sports. But wisdom, experience, my love for the outdoors, and my years as a father shifted my motivation and left me wanting to move better in order to live more.

Darren leaps over flames and smoke at the finish line of a Spartan Race, knees out to the sides and fingers forming heavy metal horns, with one arm straight out in front of him and the other toward the ground. His eyes are obscured by the bill of his hat, but his mouth is open in the universal expression of 'victory'.

Darren Salquist

Personal Trainer/Life Changer

“Success is a series of small victories.”

If you are reading this you have already made a decision to pursue change in your life, congratulations on taking that step.

Betsy stands in front of a stone wall, looking to her right with eyes slightly toward the sky and a smile on her face.

Betsy Urquhart

NASM-Certified Personal Trainer

It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty & strength of which the body is capable. — Seneca

For as long as I can remember I’ve been in awe of muscular human physiology. Being neither naturally strong nor athletically gifted I assumed that such strength, muscularity, and power were gifts that some people were given and that others were not. I was not.

Alexis stands on a rocky peak in the mountains, flexing her arms and smiling, with a beautiful blue lake visible in the background.

Alexis Crellin


My joy from outdoor exploration, sports, and getting to be creative in the gym came from growing up on a small island in Alaska. Being an athlete was always my identity and when you graduate and lose that it can be hard. However, I didn’t want that training to stop nor did I want to lose that team feeling. I’ve continued to stay athletic and test my abilities at various fitness events and races and have met some really great people that feel like another team again. My goal is to always make everyone feel welcome and worthy of being on my “team”.

Lacy crouches on a flight of stairs with a kettlebell in hand and a smile on her face.

Lacy Gannon


Lacy Gannon is a dedicated fitness professional and Spokane Valley resident with a family of four, including two teenagers and a playful black lab. She loves her neighborhood and the community, which mirrors the supportive atmosphere she found at CoreFit.


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